We believe everybody deserves a good boss and every boss deserves a good team. However, this is not always automatically the case. Leadership is a profession that requires knowledge, skills and effort.

The change from being a professional to being a leader/manager is difficult. As a professional, you were valued based on your knowledge, experience, deadlines and results. As a leader, you will have to achieve those results through others: your team and other stakeholders. This requires other skills: providing direction, drawing boundaries, defining norms and values within the organisation, leading, coaching, collaborating, facilitating, appreciating, communicating, motivating and so forth… This is all of a sudden much more abstract, and you never know when you have done a good job… Everybody has something to complain about.

Effective Leadership

Effective leadership is strongly dependent on the development of two important skills:

A healthy level of independence: of what others think of you, of wanting to do things perfectly, of wanting to exercise control, of wanting to be liked… This, in order for you to be able to look at the bigger picture and stay on track, even though your decisions may not always be popular…

The ability to connect. If you cannot connect with yourself, how will you know what you want and what you believe in? And if you do not know that, how will you be able to inspire others with your vision? No leader without followers! You will only attract followers who want to work with you, once you can connect with them. That is something entirely different from defining targets and KPI’s. The ability to truly connect, requires a healthy amount of empathy: EQ in addition to IQ.

Above topics will feature prominently in most of our leadership development assignments.

Desis, Leiderschapsontwikkeling

What can you expect from us?

Together we assess what you and your team want and need and we coach you in how to lead your people more effectively.
We facilitate you and your team to excel together. This can take on different formats: training certain skills, team sessions, facilitating more effective group dynamics.
We coach you in developing more effective leadership and personal growth. This can be done individually or with your (management) team.
We facilitate peer coaching groups, in which leaders from different organisations learn together and from each other, and discuss their dilemmas from daily practice.

Would you like more information about leadership development? Please contact us.